with Christina Della Rocca, n.d.
My Experience and Training
Concordia University
I graduated from Concordia University in Leisure and Therapeutic Studies in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. I also took elective classes in the fields of business, Psychology, and Exercise Science at both Concordia and Mc Gill University. I did several internships over the course of my studies, including, The Douglas Hospital, youth centers, and old ages homes.
Exercise Plus and The Fitness Appraisal Center
After graduating from univeristy, I founded "Exercise Plus", a business that offered personal fitness training, group exercise classes, sports nutrition, and fitness assessments. A year later, I opened 'The Fitness Appraisal Center' located in Monster Gym, in Dollard-des-Ormeaux, Quebec, where I conducted health and fitness assessments and offered nutritional counselling. I had a fully booked practice within 1-year.
I obtained my personal training and sport nutrition certification from C.O.R.F.I.T, Les Entreprises Andre Begin, F.I.T.T., and CAN-FIT-PRO. I am F.I.T.T., and CAN-FIT-PRO certified to lead group exercise classes. I am certified by The Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CPAFLA Certified), to conduct health and fitness assessments and counselling. I also hold a number of other certifications and workshop certificates in the area of fitness training, bodybuilding, and nutrition that I used to lead my cleints toward an improved lifestyle encompassing nutrition and physical fitness training.
Exercise Plus, Corporate services
Early on in my career, reacting to a marketplace driven by the need for corporate health solutions, I started to present seminars and bring fitness classes, personal training, and fitness assessments to companies in and around Montreal area with the help of a small and dedicated team. My corporate clients have included: Merck Frost, Pfizer, Assanté Financial Services Ltd., Cimétiere Notre-Dame, Concordia Sport Medecine, EHEIM North America Inc., Holiday Inn Pointe-Claire, KONE Canada, Le 999 de Maissoneuve Ouest., Maxxam Inc., MBS Technologies Inc., Merck Frosst International, Merrill Lynch Canada, Messagerie Benjamin, Mitech Industries, Montreal Shipping, Pfizer Canada, R.C. Hagen Inc., SJS Technologies, Sony Canada Inc., Steltor Canada, TD Bank Inc., UAP Canada Inc.
L'Institut de Medecine Naturelle, Montreal, Quebec
After more than 20'000 client hours, and healing from a lifestyle related illness using the principles of natural medeine and with the help of a Naturopath & Massage Therapist, I went back to school to become a licenced Naturopath. I received my training as a Naturopath from L'institut de Medecine Naturelle, Montreal, Quebec,, A 7-year intensive and life changing program for me. I continue to take elective courses yearly and regularly attend conferences as to keep up with new research, techniques, as well as to update my skills and learn new ones. I am licenced by L'Ordre des Naturotherapeutes du Quebec.
Along the way, I discovered I had a talent and passion for massage therapy. Today, as a Massage Therapist, I provide a nurturing, centering, healing massage experience aimed at activating all the senses and rejenating the mind, body, and spirit. Although I am training in therapeutic and deep tissue massage, I prefer to offer a sensory massage experience that ignites all of the senses and rejuvenate the being by bringing balance, nurturing, and a deep sense of relaxation. Furthermore, I am passionate about the study and practice of lymphatic drainage massage, a healing and cleansing treatment of benefit to all.
I received my training in Massage Therapy and Lymphatic Drainage Massage from L'Institut de Medecine Naturelle, Montreal, Quebec. Areas of study included Anatomy, Neuro-Sensory Relaxation Massage, Therapeutic Massage, Relaxation Massage, Lymphatic Drainage Massage, Re-education Respiratoire. I am licenced by L'Ordre des Massotherapeutes et Therapeutes en Drainage Lymphatique du Quebec.
My education and close to 20 years of experince has equipped me with extensive knowledge in holistic nutrition, health coaching, healing body treatments, and preventive health. Drawing on these skills, knowledge, continuing education, and close to 20 years of experience , I work with clients to help them make lifestyle changes that produce real and lasting results.
Why I understand you...
I’ve been in your shoes, and I know what it feels like to want more out of life. I went through the health coaching process myself to heal from a stress and lifestyle induced condition in my twenties. I was so inspired by what I had accomplished and all that I had learned, that I decided to go back to school and acquire licences in Naturopathic Medicine and Massage Therapy to further assist my fitness and nutrition clients in their quest for ultimate health and vitality.
I have been fully trained in naturopathic medecine, nutrition, dietary theory, councelling, massage therapy, lymphatic drainage, aromatherapy, physical fitness, and the art of healing. I have worked in the field of health, fitness, and wellness for close to 20 years. I have a passion for people, their personal and professional growth, and living life to its fullest. I offer a comprehensive solution and my full support as we work together to create the life you have always dreamed of.
Christina Della Rocca, n.d.
Wellness Specialist: Corporate & Individual
Certifications, Accreditations, Education include:
Ordres des Naturotherapeutes du Quebec
Board Certified Naturopath and Accredited Member (O.N.Q.)
Ordre des Massotherapeutes et Therapeutes en Drainage Lymphatique du Quebec
Board Certified Therapist and Accredited Member (AMTMDL)
L`Institut des Massotherapeutes et Therapeutes en Drainage Lymphatique du Quebec
Professional Massage Therapy and Lymphology licencing programs
Fields of study include Anatomy, Neuro-sensory massage, Therapeutic Massage, Realaxation Massage Lymphatic Drainage Massage, Stretching.
L`Institut des Naturotherapeutes du Quebec, Montreal, Quebec
Professional Naturopathic Licence Program
Fields of study study include: Anatomy, Mental Health, Genetics, Iridology, Herbology, Human Sexuality, Aromatherapy, and Ethics.
Functional Nutrition Alliance, Online Functional Nutition Certificate Program
February 2017 to present.
The Institute for Integrative Nutrition, New York City
Professional Health Coach Training and Certification Program
During my training, I studied over 100 dietary theories, practical lifestyle management techniques, and innovative coaching methods with some of the world’s top health and wellness experts. My teachers included Dr. Andrew Weil, Director of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine; Dr. Deepak Chopra, leader in the field of mind-body medicine; Dr. David Katz, Director of Yale University’s Prevention Research Center; Dr. Walter Willett, Chair of Nutrition at Harvard University; Geneen Roth, bestselling author and expert on emotional eating; and many other leading researchers and nutrition authorities.
Concordia Univeristy, Montreal, Quebec
B.A. Therapeutic Recreation. Elective classes in Business, Psychology, and Exercise Science.
The Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology, Montreal, Quebec
Certifed Health & Fitness Appraiser
Certifed Personnal Fitness Trainer Accreditations
Les Entreprises Andre Begin
Stregnth Conditioning
Certified Group Exercise Instructor
F.I.T.T., Montreal Canada
Health Coach
Massage Therapist
Fitness Specialist
Fitness Appraiser
Corporate Wellness Specialist
Christina Della Rocca is a multi-disciplinary Health Coach with 20 years of experience in the fields of health, fitness, and wellness.
One of Montreal’s leading wellness professionals, Christina has been featured on Montreal AM live, RDS television, CHOM FM, CJAD, Mountain City Rock, and Trends Magazine. Founder and Director of « EXERCISE PLUS » A Wellness Company that brings health & Fitness programs to companies in and around the Montreal area., Christina is a leading Corporate Wellness Specialist.
She is also the founder and Director of an Integrative Wellness Clinic where she has a private Health Coaching practice, where she coaches clients on how to reach their goals for health and vitality, by achieving their healthy weight, and reducing toxicity and stress in their lives. She also presents workshops and lectures on living a healthy and balanced life.
Other services offered by Christina include neuro-sensory massage, lymphatic drainage, and Raindrop Essential Oil Treatments which are all body treatments aiming to heal and bring vitality to both the body and person.
After using the principle of natural medicine to heal from a stress and lifestyle related health condition herself, Christina studied holistic medicine to be able to better serve her clients. Believing in an integrative model for achieving ultimate health and wellness, Christina works alongside other medical and holistic professionals in her practice.
Passionate about the personal and professional growth of all those who surround her, Christina Della Rocca has a dynamic and knowledgeable approach to health and wellness that inspires people to transform their lives.
Insurance receipts available
Christina is a licenced Naturopath and Massage Therapist and can issue isurance receipts upon request for her services.
To learn more about Execise Plus, a company offering Corporate Health and Fitness Services, Directed by Christina Della Rocca, click below.