with Christina Della Rocca, n.d.
Peak Wellness
for Optimal Performance
Consulting & Programming aimed at
Getting a Grip on Stress and Anxiety
Treating Nagging Ailments
Creating Conscious Work-Life Balance
To Achieve Peak Wellness, You Must Address Nutrition and Lifestyle
In A Step-by-Step Personalized Way That Adresses the Unique Person You Are.
When was the last time you talked with someone about your health, fitness, and wellness and received the personal attention you deserve?
It’s rare for anyone to get an hour to work on their nutrition and lifestyle goals with a trained professional.
For more than 20 years, as a Naturopath & Peak Wellness Health Coach, Massage Therapist, and Fitness
Trainer, I create a supportive environment that enables my clients to achieve their health, fitness, and
wellness goals.
I have studied the major dietary theories, mind-body medecine, functional nutrition, botanicals, aromatherapy, massage therapy, lymphology, physical fitness, and use practical lifestyle and habit change coaching methods to guide you in discovering which approach works best for you.
Two of the most important facets of health are nutrition and stress managment. The food in our life has
a tremendous impact on our health and well-being. The same is true of the stress we are subjet to on a
daily basis, which many of us are not even fully aware of.
With so much contradictory information out there combined with today's fast paced lifestyle, eating a well balanced diet and reducing stress is increasingly difficult. For example, many approaches to health and nutrition dwell on limiting calories, eliminating carbs, and excessive exercise. Instead of creating lists of restrictions and good and bad foods, I coach my clients to create a happy, healthy life using the principles of functional nutrition and lifestyle modification in a way that is flexible, fun, ans sustainable. That's right... you can still enjoy chocoalte and wine! We also explore how "food" is more than just what we eat, but all the things in our lives that nourish us; relationships, career, leisure, and spirituality. And when appropriate, we will make use of therapeutic bodywork techniques to further assist you in reaching your goals.
Ultimate health, vitality, stress reduction, treating ailments, and creating conscious work-life balance is achieved in a slightly different way for everyone. After all, we ourselves are all a little different... And, since no one "diet" or "way of life" works for everyone. I will guide you to find the food and lifestyle choices that best support you. I will also help you make the gradual, lifelong changes that enable you to reach your current and future health goals one step at a time.
"I will help, guide, inspire, and support you as you learn how to eat, think and move to suit your indidual body and lifestyle, so you can get a grip on stress, have more energy, treat ailments naturally, and fit into the clothes you love, and I make it easy, fun, and free of denial."
Christina Della Rocca, n.d.
Spring Cleanse coming soon...
Check out this short video for a glimpse of
"What is Health Coaching."