with Christina Della Rocca, n.d.

Have you tried every diet
but can’t seem to make shifts in your body?
Would you like to break free from unhealthy eating habits you know are bad for you?
Have you tried food or diet plans that haven't brought you the results you are looking for?
Do you wonder if there are foods you are sensitive to that may be zapping your energy, making you feel bloated, or preventing you from losing weight?
Do you struggle with nagging cravings, like morning coffee and afternoon sweet treats, that sabotage your efforts to eat healthy?
Would you like to feel more energy throughout the day, so you can live your life with more passion and vibrancy instead of dragging from one activity to another?
Ditch diets forever and feel great this spring, with a 14-28 day cleanse that will leave you feeling great in the clothes you love by nourishing yourself with real food instead of starving yourself and just not knowing what to eat.
“I will teach you
How Specific Foods May Be Causing
Your Weight Loss Resistance & Zapping your Energy,
and EXACTLY what to do about it”
This may be the breakthrough you have been looking for.
What you will learn:
How specific foods may be zapping your energy and causing your Weight Loss Resistance, bloating, and much more, and EXACTLY what to do about it.
Why certain foods can cause you to hold onto weight, regardless of how many calories you're consuming.
The most common culprits and why these particular foods can be problematic.
How to determine if, in fact, there are foods that are affecting your weight loss efforts.
A specific seasonal program that will cleanse your body, jumpstart your weight loss and help you start to feel great in just 14-28 days!
How to continue on after you have completed the program.
NOTE: Each of the below options come with the items in
the "HERE'S WHAT'S INCLUDED" Section below.
The Self Study. Receive the program electronically and move through the program on your own. The program is very well outlined and explained and you still have access to the Facebook Group daily monitored by myself personally should you have any questions. FEE: $147
The Personal Touch. Book 2 Sessions where I will personally explain all facets of the program, make any individualized recommendations necessary, and receive one Detox Massage Treatment that will further enhance the effects of the cleanse. FEE: $287
My Full Support Plus Package. Enjoy 4-SESSIONS, booked weekly, where I will personally walk you through the entire program, make any necessary individualized adjustments, and benefit from four Detox massage Treatments that are the perfect cleanse enhancement. FEE: $480
Here's what's included in all options:
Weekly emails to help keep you on track.
A Guidebook so you know what to do and when to do it.
2 weeks of meal plans with 30 delicious recipes. You won't feel deprived with the amazing menu you will receive and you'll know exactly what to buy and to cook. And if you don't want to follow the meal plans, you can simply follow the detox guidelines to create your own. However, most clients love having the meal plan and shopping list
A daily protocol you can post on your fridge and follow to keep things simple and stay on track.
A workbook to keep track of your progress.
Daily Support on a Closed Facebook Group. You will have my personal support and the support of your fellow detoxer's each step of the way, so you never feel stuck or like you're in it alone. It's private, so only the group members can see our posts.
Rest assured, you will be eating real, great tasting foods! This is not about starving yourself, or popping a bunch of pills, or drinking your calories all day long. It's about eating real food that will nourish you! This program is about cleansing your body, discovering sensitivities and the foods that are causing you to feel sick, tired, bloated, and overweight. As well, discovering the foods that make you feel amazing, both physically and mentally.
If this program is for you:
Note: Christina is a licensed Naturopath & Massage Therapist and issues receipts under both licenses. Most benefit plans cover the costs of this program.

Christina Della Rocca is a multi-disciplinary Health Coach with over 20 years of experience in the fields of health, fitness, and wellness.

About the Facilitator
Christina Della Rocca, n.d.,LMT, CPT, B.A.
Naturopath, Health Coach, Massage Therapist, Fitness Specialist,
One of Montreal’s leading wellness professionals, Christina has been featured on Montreal AM live, RDS television, CHOM FM, and Trends Magazine. Founder and Director of « EXERCISE PLUS » A Wellness Company that brings health, wellness & Fitness programs to companies in and around the Montreal area, Christina is a leading Corporate Wellness Specialist
She is also the founder and Director of an Integrative Wellness Clinic located in the Windsor Building in Pointe-Claire Claire, Quebec where she coaches clients on how to reach their goals for health and vitality, by achieving their healthy weight, and reducing toxicity and stress in their lives. She also presents workshops and lectures on living a healthy and balanced life.
Other services offered by Christina include her signature neuro-sensory massage, lymphatic drainage, and Aromatherapy Treatments which are all body treatments aiming to heal and bring vitality to both the body and person.
After using the principle of natural medicine to heal from a stress and lifestyle related health condition herself, Christina returned to study holistic medicine to be able to better serve her clients. Believing in an integrative model for achieving ultimate health and wellness, Christina works alongside other medical and holistic professionals in her practice.
Passionate about the personal and professional growth of all those who surround her, Christina Della Rocca has a fun, caring, dynamic and knowledgeable approach to health and wellness that inspires people to transform their lives.
Insurnace receipts
available upon request
Workshop Fee
covered by
most policies.

Energy &
Weight Loss